the Yemeni conflict and what is next after the collapse of the Geneva Negotiations

Wednesday 24 October 2018 / Safa Karman
Counter 2415


For those who ask about the Yemeni conflict and what is next after the collapse of the Geneva Negotiations, I think the question should be what the problem more than what the solution is.

In Medicine 101, the first thing they teach you is to accurately diagnose the problem. In negotiations 101, the first thing they teach you is to know the real interests of the negotiating parties. Unfortunately, the Yemeni problem and the real interests of its conflicting parties have been either inaccurate, misleading, or in best scenarios incomplete. That is why all political negotiations have failed and will probably continue to fail. Until we are honest in diagnosing the problem, all proposals will either be counterproductive or unproductive.

Below is an analysis I gave last June at the Stimson Center in which I gave a brief explanation of the roots of the conflict and the future prospects for peace.

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